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Showing posts from August, 2007

Pool Table Volkswagen Billiard Table

Yeah. So check this out. Its a VW bus converted in to a billiard table. Thats as unlikely a combination as I'd ever expect! It was spotted at a classic and unique car show in the USA. Feel free to check out the article and more images over at the billiards forum. I know that this is just like the craziest thing, but hey, you have to admit, it is pretty freaking cool. If someone offered to sell me that for the right price I just might have to accept their offer! Volkswagen Pool Table

9 Ball Billiards and Pool

The billiards forum has recently partnered with 9 Ball Billiards to share a vast wealth of 9 Ball pool and billiard news. Included in the newly released version of 9 ball billiards are: 9 ball pool videos 9 ball billiards pictures 9 ball billiards news (9 Ball Pool Tour news from inside pool magazine and other sources) Of course there is a lot more on the 9 Ball pool site, but these are the main sections of the site. Also, check back shortly, as they'll have 9 Ball RSS feeds plugged in from the billiard rules forum
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