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Submit Your Billiard Drills is looking for your billiard tips and drills.

Have some tips to share? Know some good drills? How about getting in on some of the action with us…

I started this site because one of the best ways I've found to learn something is to try to teach it to others. After all, I'm learning what works and what doesn't as I go through the process. If someone else can wade through it all just a tiny bit faster, then I've helped. Teaching or at least explaining something also ensures that you understand it yourself (unless you're a hack, of course!), so writing has always been a good test of my own knowledge.

The Pitch
If you have moderate grammar and spelling skills, an interest in sharing what you know and learn about pool, and the desire to perhaps earn some spending money, you might be a good fit. Some technical knowledge is a plus but not a requirement.

Currently, we don't have any publishing requirements, no weekly quotas or deadlines, none of that sort of thing. However, we are looking for people who can form more of a "staff" than submit an idea for one tip or a drill. If you've only got one or two drills in mind, thats great too. If you've got a head full of ideas, why, we want to talk to you.

What to Do
It's simple. Write up a few sample pool playing tips, and send them here. If you could, put something like "Join the Staff" or something in the subject. Explain to me in as many words as you need why you feel you would make a worthy addition to the staff. Ask any questions you have up front, too, because you'll get the honest dope back. If you're not sure if you want to join, send an email and just ask the questions.

That's all there is to it.


You have a great blog, I love practicing every morning on my billiard tables cause I am playing every afternoon in a billiard pub in our place there are lot of great contender out there.
CueSight said…
You should definitely check out the tips and tricks from Jackie "The Angel" Karol

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